"mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys"

(Thanks to Kelly for the photo, & to Don for taking it!)

you got it. Last week's theme was country! How they come up with themes? That's up to these wranglers discretion and your guessing.

Don't worry--there was no vacation taken for these young baristas into the deep country, neither was there an equestrian trail for customers like us to follow them! Instead they kept their ruggedness and barista skills at one of our three frontiers, Mission Street.

And soon Coffeetopia will be joining the facebook caravan and you will be able to keep up with their themes! Even joining them for thursday theme deals. Watch out now, their guns are smokin' hot and that cowboy coffee will be a brewin' So leave the bowlegs at home & we'll see you at high noon!

pace...pace....pace....now draw!

Also, Pete Cochrane's AWESOME art is ready to be shared, so come on through.

got thyme? no,no- got to have theme.

[you guessed it--pink day]

it seems as if the change in weather is bringing out a little sunshine in all of us lately. check out the workers @mission!
who knew puttin' in a little theme on certain workdays would look & be so charming.

Bandanita Baristas, yeah yeah. Who needs spice when you got ttttttthhhheeemmmeee!

[First photo: Michael, Kelly, Carina]
[ Second photo: Carina, Michael, Kelly]

Special Thanks to Kelly for the photos. :)